Silver Sponsor: advertiseSilver sponsors have their link/logo included on our advertising and are verbally acknowledged each morning during the welcome session at the retreat. They also can provide an in-kind contribution.
Gold Sponsor: vendorGold sponsors receive a table for all three days at our event, have their link/logo included on our advertising and are verbally acknowledged each morning during the welcome session at the retreat. They also can provide an in-kind contribution.
Platnum sponsor: SPONSORPlatinum sponsors will receive a full page ad in our brochure, have their logo added to the footer on our website, and can receive a table for all three days at our event, have their link/logo included on our advertising and are verbally acknowledged each morning during the welcome session at the retreat. They also can provide an in-kind contribution.
Jeff Eckert, Barbara Tischler, Brooke Sullivan, Christian Bourdo, Kent Heckel, Jenna Koloski, Nancy Heckel, Megan Torrey-Payne, Leah Tanger, Mark Bryer, Nicole Woulfe, Alicia Gutierrez-Romine, Katya Miller, Michelle Stonis, Jessica Freire, Laura Holiday, Jacqui Nelson, Annabelle Blevins Pifer, Dawn Cyr, Megan Gary, Melissa Adams, Victoria Plutshack, Rachel Lee, Perez, Kate Kemp, Bridget Erlandson, Leah Spellerberg, Rebecca Sanborn Marshall, Ashley Satterfield, Milly Neff, Alexandra Plutshack, Martha Wheelock, Gwen Duralek, Maureen Barthen, Pamela Scully, Elizabeth Blanchard, and Christina Luzzi. MAJOR DONORS Pioneer: Annalee Davis Thorndike Foundation, Rhode Island Community Foundation Icon: Jean German, Dr. Barbara and Dr. Steve Tischler, Dr. Leah Redmond Chang |